Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Sleep and me and us and you

Is there an point in sleeping?
yes ... and .... no.
Yes : That is because you need sleep to be awake, funnily enough. It gives you energy for the day in front of you, and stops you from having relapses and entering the world of illusions, you start to wonder what you are seeing is real. So you NEED sleep, yes but still is there a point.

No : everybody sleeps, you wouldnt have guessed it would you. Even the people that say that you must live every minute to the fullest. so for people like that, do you really find sleep neccesary.

I like night time, its a time to reflect on everything. Without having the worry about other people, for a change. If you're up while the people that you're thinking about are asleep it gives you a sense of ease to know that they are somewhere else, in their dreams. Happy. Happy, no matter what has been happening in their woken state. I like knowing that. I'm not tired. Why should i be, i dont deserve to sleep.

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